Architectus achieves
Toitū carbonzero
Toitū carbonzero
Architectus has achieved Toitū carbonzero certification, having measured our operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under the international standard for carbon footprints, ISO 1406-1.
As a founding signatory to the Aotearoa New Zealand Architects Declare Climate & Biodiversity Emergency, we are committed to working towards designing all new buildings to be net zero carbon. This includes the carbon emissions during construction and operation as well as a commitment to reducing the embodied carbon in the building. It also extends to our sustainable working practices. We recognise the need to change our operational practices and prioritising our responsibility in safeguarding our planet.
We chose to partner with Toitū to ensure we follow best practice and improve the efficiency, accuracy and integrity of our emissions management and reporting process. By working with Toitū, we have committed to a framework that will help us accurately measure our emissions and put in place strategies to manage, reduce and offset unavoidable carbon emissions. Our ambition is to continue reducing emissions across the business with a 10% year-on-year reduction target rate. To retain our Toitū carbonzero certification, we will be audited each year demonstrating a continued reduction in our emissions.
To achieve net-zero carbon emissions, we balance our unavoidable emissions from our operations with an equivalent amount of offsets through buying carbon credits. We have chosen to invest in native forestry regeneration in the Chatham Islands and energy efficient cook stoves in Ethiopia. This will contribute to safeguarding our ecosystem and environment, while also helping to improve the lives of coffee growers and their families by reducing indoor air pollution, fuel wood uses and deforestation.