Photographer: Sean McCabe

Puriri Park Road in Whangārei received a Te Kāhui Whaihanga NZ Institute of Architects Auckland Architecture Award in the Planning & Urban Design category last night.
This Kāinga Ora development delivers on a vision of a housing community characterised by diverse family structures. It offers a mix of housing choices including standalone homes, duplexes, and terraces, which foster intergenerational connections and caters to various life stages.
The judges praised the development: “This well-planned housing community is carefully stitched and integrated into its existing neighbourhood. The masterplan for Kāinga Ora provides much-needed new homes for vulnerable members of the community in the Northland region. Incorporation of the existing recreational open space, retention of mature trees on the street frontage and access to the adjacent Puriri forest make a unique backdrop to the houses. A small community hub offers space to bring residents together.”
Thank you and congratulations to our client Kāinga Ora, our consultants and project team.
Photographer: Sean McCabe