CTBUH Global Walking Tour 2023: Humanising High Density

Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the CTBUH Global Walking Tour, the Urban Habitat / Urban Design Committee was excited to once again bring together urban enthusiasts from around the world to explore tall buildings and their impact on the human scale.

Starting on September 21st in Auckland, and travelling westward, this year the focus was on the theme of “Humanising High Density. CTBUH committee member Severin Soder, led a tour around Auckland’s CBD, with guest speakers providing project insights.

Tour participants often post images from the walks on social media, which allows those on tour and others across the globe to view the progress of the tours as they make their way from Auckland westward to North America. This year’s posts, along with previous years, can be viewed on X (formerly Twitter) and other social media platforms at #CTBUHWalks.