
Our nationally and internationally experienced design team works with public and private sector clients to successfully deliver complex health projects, from initial business case and master planning to planning approvals, design documentation, construction and commissioning.

We have a deep understanding of the intricacies of contemporary health care delivery and a guiding belief that ‘Care is Care’, whether we’re designing a community hospital, a tertiary facility, or a multi-disciplinary precinct. We bring cross-sector thinking to every project, recognising that today’s health facilities are also workplaces, intrinsically linked to education and research, and hubs for wider community connections.

Our evidence-based design solutions always prioritise the physical and mental wellbeing of patients, staff, and visitors. At the same time, they reflect the critical importance of clinical functionality and efficient delivery, translational research and technology, and digital integration in the built environment.

We define success as a place that supports healing, with culturally sensitive interior and exterior spaces that provide ample access to daylight and nature, opportunities for social interaction, and settings for respite and recovery.