Left to right: Lindley Naismith, Kitty Fan, Ainsley O’Connell, Frank Fan

We warmly congratulate Kitty Fan who was named a Fellow of Te Kāhui Whaihanga NZ Institute of Architects at this week’s Auckland Architecture Awards.
The Institute Board recognised Kitty for her contributions to the profession through research into diversity and equitable working environments, organising and promoting industry events that foster collegiality and mentorship. Kitty’s service and contribution has significantly enriched the architectural profession.
With almost 20 years’ experience in the industry, Kitty has worked on a wide range of projects, from multi-residential to public buildings, educational facilities, and commercial developments. As Project Architect, Kitty led the delivery of Alfred Nathan House at the University of Auckland, the University’s admin and student services centre. She was a key team member on the design of the recently completed The Pā project at Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato / University of Waikato and led the delivery of a multi-residential project for Kāinga Ora in Papatoetoe. Kitty is currently involved in the restoration of Old Choral Hall at the University of Auckland and the delivery of the new Science Facility at Sacred Heart College.
A dedicated mother of two, Kitty exemplifies the ability to excel in her professional pursuits while maintaining a strong commitment to her whanau and community. She devotes much of her spare time to a number of industry and community committees and was a key contributor to the 2023 Architecture + Women NZ Awards.
Left to right: Lindley Naismith, Kitty Fan, Ainsley O’Connell, Frank Fan