St Peter’s College Outhewaite Building: 2017 NZIA Auckland Award – Education

St Peter’s College Outhewaite Building
“The siting of the Outhwaite Building completes an urban edge for the existing Middle School campus, while framing the sports fields. This addition is a seamless extension to a previous stage in the overall development of St Peter’s College. Raw materials are assembled with a formal elegance.”
2017 NZIA Auckland Branch Jury Citation
Manukau Precinct Project: 2017 NZIA Auckland Award – Public Architecture

Manukau Precinct Project
“The Manukau District Court upgrade involved a re-rationalisation of the existing Auckland Architecture Award-winning building designed by Noel Lane and Architects New Zealand. The original entry courtyard has been revived as an inner relaxed space in an otherwise stressful environment, via the repositioning of the main entry and simplification of the security layers. Landscaped elements of the courtyard are repeated in the ātea area to the repositioned entry, work which gives the building new life and which bears the sensitive hand of the late Rewi Thompson, in one of his last projects. The new courts express the separate circulation route of the judiciary externally with a glass-block ribbon across existing and new forms; the judges are temporarily suspended in a cloud-like light before confronting the reality of the cases in front of them.”
2017 NZIA Auckland Branch Jury Citation