Centennial Chapel awarded a John Scott Award

The St Andrew’s College Centennial Chapel Kāreti o Hāto Ānaru Te Kotahi Rau Tau o te Whare Karakia received both a Public Architecture and the prestigious John Scott Award for Pubic Architecture at the 2018 New Zealand Architecture Awards at Te Papa Museum on Wellington’s waterfront. The John Scott Award for Public Architecture honours the memory of John Scott (1924 – 1992), a New Zealand original.

“The new chapel at St Andrew’s College overtly references its much-loved quake-ruined predecessor through the incorporation of numerous salvaged heritage elements. This integration is achieved with a rare appropriateness and thoroughgoing integrity. The new chapel is accessible to the wider community as well as the college of which it is the heart, and is exemplary, in a city still in recovery, in the way in which it responds to the needs of the present while acknowledging the legacy of the past.”

NZIA National Jury Citation 2018

This project deals with the memory of the previous building beautifully,” says Andrea Bell. “The trace of the linear pathway of the original chapel is strongly reinforced in both the exquisitely detailed brick memory wall that holds the precious remnants of the old building and the folding roof. But, then, the building very subtly turns you away from that axis and refocuses you to a new direction: to the river, hills and campus. It is an incredibly sophisticated piece of work, which took my breath away on several occasions.”  Read full article.