Education Environments Strategist

Dr. Kellee Frith


Doctor of Philosophy (Design),
Swinburne University of Technology
Graduate Diploma in Dramatic Art (Design),
The University of Melbourne,
Victorian College of the Arts
Bachelor of Design (Honours),
Swinburne University of Technology


Kellee joined Architectus as an in-house consultant in 2017. Her role as an Education Environments Strategist is to facilitate meaningful collaboration and effective communication between school communities and school facilities designers (including architects, interior designers and landscape architects). Her experience as a tertiary educator and skills as a designer and researcher enable her to participate in pedagogical conversations and design discussions. She is able to articulate the links between pedagogy and design and identify design opportunities for the physical environment to support and promote rich, diverse and connected learning and teaching experiences. As a result she is able to develop more effective Education Design Briefs for better functioning schools.

Kellee’s strategic practice is underpinned by doctoral research that examines the potential of interior design to support the development of new cultures of learning and teaching in primary school learning neighbourhoods. A central finding of her research is that teachers need and want specialist training and skill development to help them recognise and exploit the potential of new learning environments that support new learning and teaching principles and practices.

Kellee has been a juror and panel chair for the Victorian Chapter of the Association for Learning Environments (A4LE, formerly CEFPI), Educational Facilities Awards. She was also a judge and panel chair for the 2020 A4LE Australasian Awards. Her ongoing involvement with A4LE includes the development of resources to promote collaboration between education and design communities.