Patrick Clifford reflects on what comprises the Architectus design process. He finds a heady mix of methods: from sociograms to serendipity, iterations, words generating spatial arrangements, co-design, collaboration, questioning the extent of the site and asking “why not?” to the primacy of the pin-up, to name a few.
Matariki 2024
A scrapbook of material associated with the ten Architectus Aotearoa projects that have received NZIA awards at the highest level – to date.

We believe placemaking in Aotearoa is grounded in a bicultural creative process. We recognise that through early and ongoing collaboration with mana whenua, cultural values, aspirations and narratives are woven holistically into the conceptual development and design vision of our projects. Enduring partnerships with mana whenua and iwi Māori are essential to the creation of a culturally responsive, place-based architecture that nurtures people and communities.

Wynyard Central – Homestar 7/8
Sustainability is multifaceted and we take responsibility for the environmental impact, cultural heritage, economic viability and social significance of our work. We design for resilience, through projects that are sensitive to a changing climate and responsive to technological developments, and that contribute to healthy and happy communities for generations to come.
Utilisation of mass engineered timber is redefining the construction industry as both a productive and sustainable method of construction. Engineered timber provides a strong, low carbon and comparatively cost neutral or low-cost premium alternative to more traditional construction materials and allows for improved accuracy and finish, and reduced waste. As an adaptable component of the construction mix, timber also contributes to a healthy indoor environment, promoting the wellbeing of occupants.

The University of Auckland The Science Centre BIM Model
We are at the forefront of integrated project delivery enabled by Building Information Modelling. BIM enhances communication and collaboration between stakeholders, and optimises design and construction processes to transform the way we design and manage the built environment. Building performance, sustainability and quality are all improved, and owners gain a sophisticated 3D model for efficient facilities management.
Our BIM environment is extended with virtual reality (VR) tools for greater understanding of 3D spaces by client, stakeholders and user groups. Through VR we can experience design options in a lifelike, immersive environment, which leads to greater participation in the design process by all involved.