Site framework

Site Plan


North-east corner

View from Riccarton Road

Facade section study


Circulation Core

Typical 1 bedroom unit

Typical 1.5 bedroom unit

East Elevation
Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities
Sustainability Ratings:
8 Homestar
Carsten Auer
Kāinga Ora’s brief required the redevelopment of the site to provide 20 units within an apartment building with the focus on providing homes for elderly clients, and those living with a disability. The three-storey building is Kāinga Ora’s first medium-density accessible complex in Christchurch and replaces four Kāinga Ora homes, which were removed in 2015 after damaged in the Canterbury Earthquakes.
The building is located on a prominent site along Riccarton Road with a favourable position directly adjacent Shands Crescent Reserve. Located to the north of the site, the building has been orientated to align with the Riccarton Road frontage, providing a relationship to the street with both public and private areas. All ground floor units have a north facing garden and their own pedestrian entry from Riccarton Road. The higher-level units all have balconies addressing the street and car parking is discretely provided behind the building and accessed from the quieter residential feeder streets to either side.
The choice of façade materiality references the red Canterbury brick characteristics of the area with the distinctive gable roofs prominent when travelling east and west along Riccarton Road – particularly from the east with Shand Reserve in the foreground. With a focus towards elderly and those living with a disability and associated impairments, the project aligns with best-practice features of universal design including elements such as generous circulation paths, raised outdoor garden areas, and a dedicated mobility scooter charging room.
The development contains 15 1-bedroom units, and five 1.5-bedroom units with a small room for an overnight caregiver or whānau member. The spatial organisation provides for solar access and visual amenity to all units. Most of the units are located overlooking Riccarton Road on the northern side of a central circulation space. A smaller plan form to the south houses common areas, amenity spaces and larger units with views over the adjacent Shand Reserve to the east. The two gable roof forms relate to this spatial planning arrangement meeting over the central zone.
Universal Design was considered and all the units are wheelchair friendly, with features such as level entry, wider doorways and wet room bathrooms, as well as common spaces for tenants. These include a social lounge and a communal garden. Pedestrian access from all sides takes advantage of the accessible site.
The 8-Homestar rated development is also part of the Kāinga Ora Renewable Energy and Operational Efficiency Pilot Programme, and includes initiatives such as Allume Solshare technology where electricity generated by the rooftop photovoltaic panels is evenly distributed directly to apartment tenants to lower energy costs.
Site framework
Site Plan
North-east corner
View from Riccarton Road
Facade section study
Circulation Core
Typical 1 bedroom unit
Typical 1.5 bedroom unit
East Elevation
Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities
Sustainability Ratings:
8 Homestar
Carsten Auer
Te Kāhui Whaihanga NZIA Canterbury Architecture Award – Multi Unit 2024
PCNZ Property Industry Best in Category and Excellence Award – Community & Affordable Housing Property Award 2024