Toowoomba Hospital Redevelopment

Toowoomba Hospital Redevelopment

Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service

Toowoomba, QLD

2020 (Business Case)

Traditional Custodians of the Land:
The Barunggam people

Rebecca Moore

Darling Downs Health is progressing the detailed business case for a new Toowoomba Hospital on the Baillie Henderson Hospital campus to bring world-class, innovative health care to Toowoomba and the Darling Downs region.

Darling Downs Health has been working with Building Queensland and our team on a detailed business case for the project, which is expected to be completed in late 2020 and will inform the government’s decision on whether to invest in the project.

The proposed redeveloped Toowoomba Hospital would be located at the Baillie Henderson Hospital campus, a large greenfield site north of the Toowoomba CBD, which would deliver new and expanded health care services for the region’s growing population while preserving the rich history and unique heritage-listed buildings at the site.

The project vision includes a master planned health campus with the redeveloped hospital at its core, surrounded by interconnected heritage buildings, a range of multi-disciplinary health services, and facilities for research, education, commerce and community recreation.

The campus would be welcoming and accessible to all, with open, natural, tree-lined spaces, creating an environment that promotes health and wellbeing.

The proposed redeveloped Toowoomba Hospital would be the central driver of development and activity on the campus.

Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service

Toowoomba, QLD

2020 (Business Case)

Traditional Custodians of the Land:
The Barunggam people

Rebecca Moore