Code Valley Corp, Townsville City Council
Townsville, QLD
Traditional Custodians of the Land:
The Wulugurakaba and Bindal people
The redevelopment of the Townsville North Rail Yards site presents a significant opportunity to reconnect the City of Townsville to its past and create a unique offering within the waterfront Priority Development Area (PDA). Established in the 1880s and identified as a place of innovation in the 1900s, the Townsville North Rail Yards is a significant heritage place for the city of Townsville.
Our team prepared the Masterplan, concept design and Heritage Impact Assessment to support the Feasibility and Structure Plan for this pivotal site, positioned at the western gateway to Townsville’s CBD. Our vision highlights the uniqueness of the site by celebrating its past and reigniting the sentiment of this place as one of innovation.
The site is listed in the Queensland Heritage Register and is deemed to demonstrate all eight criteria for significance. The master plan provides a highly desirable and best practice heritage approach and outcome, appropriately balancing new development and changes required for reuse with the retention and conservation of high and medium significance heritage buildings and their fabric.
Offering a strong focus on successful project delivery and a public realm imbued with authenticity of place, the design strategy facilitates a community heart that encourages a connection to the past and provides opportunities for the creation of a vibrant future Townsville. The site redevelopment strategy establishes a new open and welcoming relationship with Flinders Street and the western entry to Townsville CBD. The master plan site connectivity harnesses views towards Castle Hill and Mount Stuart and supports seamless vehicle and pedestrian movement. While the deteriorated condition of the heritage structures on site are a key consideration in the development of the precinct, they represent a powerful link to the past and provide a platform for a unique and engaging identity and place experience.
The adaptive re-use of the heritage buildings as office accommodation are supported by a rhythm of connected laneways, pocket spaces and integrated landscape features.
Code Valley Corp, Townsville City Council
Townsville, QLD
Traditional Custodians of the Land:
The Wulugurakaba and Bindal people