Existing Site Condition

Concept Strategy

St Paul’s College
Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland
Project Value:
James Mooney
Located on the southern edge of the college campus, the new Middle School and Administration building known as the Marcellin Champagnat Building defines the threshold of a key new open space for one of Auckland’s oldest Marist Schools.
The project is the first stage of a framework plan that envisages a series of new projects that will enhance the life of the campus through the creation of strong, well connected open spaces with the various learning and administrative activities organised around the perimeter.
A more prominent role is envisaged for the existing chapel as the heart of the campus – the focal point of an open space framed by the adjacent buildings. Long term the framework plan and the Marcellin Champagnat Building project anticipate an extension of the chapel to the west which is to be integrated with an enlargement of the level 1 terrace level along the Marcellin Champagnat Building’s northern edge.
The brief called for new learning environments for two hundred students together with an administration area which could grow to accommodate a future roll of one thousand. In response the project is generally configured in 2 halves around a central core; to the east a series of flexible learning and technology spaces over 2 levels and to the west a new administration accommodating the college leadership team, staff common areas, student health and reception. Learning and technology spaces can be flexibly configured and are closely connected to breakout, outdoor and resource areas. A wide span structure provides for future adaptability to meet changing needs.
Built against the Richmond Rd boundary the new project establishes a strong built edge to the campus and enhances the presence of the college in the community. A reconfigured pedestrian and vehicle entry is created between the new building and the existing building to the west with vehicle movement now restricted beyond this point. To the east the new building is positioned to better define the entry court to the similarly scaled chapel which serves as a key public interface with the broader public and, in particular, the Marist community.
Existing Site Condition
Concept Strategy
St Paul’s College
Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland
Project Value:
James Mooney
Te Kāhui Whaihanga NZIA Auckland Architecture Award – Education 2020